Environmental protection is a responsibility that we all share. This declaration outlines how environmental protection is implemented and its importance to us within the company.
Saving energy - Renewable energies and energy saving initiatives
Electrical energy is used for the overall energy supply.
The buildings have been designed in accordance with the latest energy-saving regulations. The first building was constructed according to EnEV 70, the second building according to EnEV55. The lighting is provided by energy-saving lamps or LED technology.
The room air conditioning is provided by means of air heat pumps. All ventilation systems have heat exchangers to recover the heat from the extracted air. Each room has its own temperature control units, which can be individually adapted to the respective requirements.
The company is divided into 6 units, each equipped with circuits that can be individually switched off. These circuits are switched off at night and at weekends to save standby energy. Servers and storage systems that are not required are switched off at the weekend.
Since April 2019 we have a PV system with an output of 62kWpeak, which significantly reduces the base load of our operation. Our air conditioning system is fully supplied by solar power, particularly during the summer.
Waste management - From waste separation to recycling
We maintain consistent waste separation of packaging waste, organic waste, paper waste and residual waste. Waste metals are collected separately and taken to the recycling centre. Precious metals are sold.
We purchase fruit and vegetables from an ecological direct marketer to avoid packaging waste.
Most of the packaging materials from incoming goods are reused for outgoing goods.
Mobility - vehicle fleet and employee mobility
We currently have 8 pool vehicles, which are used by the employees for business trips. The vehicles are all middle class cars and vans with an engine power of less than 150kW.
Three of the pool vehicles have an electric drive of 100kW, which we charge with our photovoltaic system whenever possible. An energy management system will ensure that the vehicles are only charged when the PV supplies more electricity than our base load demands.
Our company site is located directly next to a railway station and is consequently easily accessible by public transport. We have agreed a job-ticket contract with the transport association and subsidise the employees' travel costs by 50%.
Biodiversity - Natural design for new outdoor facilities
The extension of the company building gave us the opportunity to complement our operational sustainability and environmental management by creating outdoor facilities in harmony with nature. For this purpose, we have avoided sealed surfaces as far as possible, used local and site-appropriate plants and materials, created low-nutrient conditions, habitat structures (dead wood, stone bars) and nesting facilities for native animal species (birds, insects). And of course we do not use any fertilizers or pesticides. We aim to increase the employees' awareness of nature and to encourage well-being and creativity through our nature-friendly environment.
In 2021, we made our company premises available as an illustrative example for a video shoot. This was a pilot project for the district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen:
Biodiversity project Vielfalt.Erleben.Altmühlfranken (Experience the diversity of Altmühlfranken ) in the district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen
Responsibility - Environmental protection guidelines
Protecting the environment is the responsibility of each and every one within a company. It is important to continually remind people that the little things they do each day can also make a significant contribution to environmental protection. The best energy management is meaningless if a person opens the window in winter and leaves the heating running. Waste separation is pointless if the containers are not filled correctly.
Consequently we urge everyone to be mindful at all times and to use every opportunity to actively protect the environment. Thank you for your cooperation!
Löhnert Elektronik GmbH's management is fully committed to adhering to the environmental protection guidelines with its entire strength and influence. We wish our business partners and employees to do the same, and shall disassociate ourselves from any business partner or employee who does not observe or opposes the values and principles outlined here.
Löhnert Elektronik GmbH's management strives for a continued positive and honest cooperation with our business partners and employees.