Current saving module
The current saving module is used to reduce the coil current of relays and contactors at a max. load current of 1.5A. The coil current is reduced to a nominal current of 95% - 5% after a defined time by pulse width modulation.
Load current max. 1.5A
Load current reduction 95% - 5%
Supply voltage 24V DC (12 ... 32V DC)
Control voltage 24V DC (12 ... 32V DC)
PWM switch-on time 100/200/500/1000ms
2 channels per module
Item number: L2006027.51.01
Price on request

Voltage monitoring
Voltages up to ±1000V DC
Threshold value: 40V ±0,5V / 60V ±0,5V
2x normally open contact
2x normally closed contact
24V supply voltage
Item number: K523.52.06 (40V) / K523.52.07 (60V)
Price on request

CAN-LWL converter
The CAN-LWL converter from Löhnert Elektronik is used to transmit CAN telegrams via fibre optics. This type of transmission achieves very long ranges without influence by electromagnetic interference fields (EMC). One transmission path consists of 2 modules.
Transmission rate up to 250 kbit/s
Compact design (W/H/D): 45 x 40 x 80mm
CAN-LWL converter for 1 transmission channel
Offers mounting on top hat rail
The transmission rate does not have to be configured
Star topology capability
Power supply: 5V / 24V, 300mW
Item number: L13906.52.04
Price on request

Quadrature smoothing module
Pre-filtering for quadrature signals
Conditioning of the quadrature signals between flow sensor and evaluation unit
Interference suppression for flow measurement in pulsating media
Reduction of switching point disturbances of flow sensors
Pre-filtering at very low flow rates
Item number: H504.53.01
Price on request

Triple power relay board
Triple power relay for 2 change-over contacts each Type C with freewheeling diodes
Euroboard with VG64 multipoint connector
Switch contact: 250VAC, 30VDC, 5A, 1250VA, 150W
Control: 12 … 24V, 0.5mA
Power supply: 24V/100mA
Item number: A117
Price on request

Twin isolation amplifier
Twin isolation amplifier with integrated circuit AD210 BN from analogue devices
Euroboard with VG64 multipoint connector
Input and output voltages of up to +/- 10V
Amplification factor is configurable in 10 steps from V=1 to V=100
Configurable analogue 2nd order Bessel low pass filter for cut-off frequencies from 2Hz to 20kHz
Offset adjustment and gain adjustment using a potentiometer
Power supply 15V/100mA
Item number: 8813
Price on request